Welcome to the personal web site of
Andrew Pitonyak
Spending much time working and travelling more than usual. You could say that I am getting to know PNNL rather well.
Moving some things to drupal. I decided to start with a blog (see blog.pitonyak.org). I need to thank my
budy Mike for handling this for me.... Thanks Mike!
I'm defacing daddy's website already...
Since daddy's been busy taking care of me and mommy, I decided to create a website for myself. You can check
it out over here at rebecca.pitonyak.org! Awww, ain't I cute!
I wonder how daddy is going to handle two little girls?
My Northridge Chipset fan failed
The Northridge chipset fan failed in my ASUS A8N5X motherboard.
Although I could have replaced the fan under warranty, or simply ordered a new fan from http://estore.asus.com/shop/,
I opted instead to purchase an Extreme Spirit II Northbridge Cooler from ,ThermalTake.
Although decent instructions are included with the cooler, it is not all that clear how to remove the existing fan from the motherboard, so
I took some pictures of the process, complete with comments.
I still have a website for Catherine, but the download speed is slow.
I opened a SmugMug account http://pitonyak.smugmug.com because they
have faster download speed. SmugMug also has excellent printing facilities.
I do not earn money if you order prints, it is whatever SmugMug charges.
If you think that SmugMug is cool, however, you can use my email address (andrew@pitonyak.org) or
my special referal code (Rl0h94ubYv13o) to save yourself $5 and I earn $10.
I have most of the pictures as raw format files so I can send full size originals or perform more image cleanup if required.
I had a baby
My daughter must be a geek, she created her own website;
I don't know anything about it myself (I think that MIKE helped her).
OpenOffice Macro Page Now Available
I decided that it was time to create a web page just for Macro Programming in OpenOffice.
If you have any ideas or feedback, be sure to let me know.
OpenOffice Macro Page Here
Although you can download my primary macro document from here, there is so
much more available on the OpenOffice web page, that you should check it out.
My OpenOffice.org Macro document
(updated June 13, 2015 03:19:53 AM UTC)
contains many examples.
This document is updated very frequently.
Be certain to obtain the latest version. If you find any errors, please inform me.
Periodically, I receive requests for my document in forms other than as an OpenOffice.org document.
A PDF version is now available from my macro page.
Wedding pictures
I finally decided to make the wedding photos available online
(see http://www.pitonyak.org/photos/index.php). You can no longer click on the link,
you must enter the link in your browser and go there.
My initial Wedding page is still available.
Meyermann Family Reunion
I finally met my new extended family and my wife allowed me to run rampant with the camera.
(see http://www.pitonyak.org/FamilyReunion_2003_07_02/). I broke this link as well!
Who Am I?
I managed to move to Columbus, Ohio from Michigan with no idea that there was
a football rivalry between The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan.
I guess you could say that I do not follow sports much.
I am a research scientist / software engineer.
My resume is available if you really want to see it.
Last Modified April 28, 2011 05:06:45 AM UTC
© 1999-2025 Andrew Pitonyak (email me at: andy @ pitonyak.org)