My Macro document (updated June 13, 2015 03:19:53 AM UTC) contains many examples. This document is updated frequently so check back frequently. When you find errors, please inform me. Be certain to check out my book Macros Explained. You can look at my book page.
The document can create a summary of the supported fonts with an example of how the font looks. A listing of the font descriptor can be written to a Calc document. Tables that show the characters with ASCII values from 32 to 255 for every font in the system.
If you have good examples to include in my document, send me an email. I welcome constructive criticism and examples.
If I already know something about the class, service, or interface that interests me, I can sometimes go directly to the API web site. Assume that I started with a web search and found the web site on word cursors: I want to see what else might be related under "" so I replace "XWordCursor.html" with "module-ix.html" to see all of the modules for "". If you just want to browse, a good place to start is:
Document | Updated | Description |
---|---|---| Macros Explained.odt V4.1 | March 27, 2024 04:12:37 AM UTC | Work in progress, as always, but the latest updates. | Macros Explained.odt V4 | June 19, 2018 03:27:31 AM UTC | Started the fourth edition. I am working my way through it. | Macros Explained.odt V3 | April 30, 2016 01:09:56 PM UTC | Third edition. | Macros Explained.pdf V3 | April 30, 2016 01:10:37 PM UTC | And here is the PDF version. |
Deutsche Übersetzung. | Die deutsche Übersetzung hat eine neue Website.Siehe | oome_deutsch_aktuell_20231219.pdf | December 19, 2023 08:47:56 PM UTC | Schnappschuss von der Website für deutsche Übersetzung vom 19. Dezember 2023. | oome_deutsch_aktuell_20231219.odt | December 19, 2023 08:47:51 PM UTC | Schnappschuss von der Website für deutsche �~\bersetzung vom 19. Dezember 2023.<> | OOME_3_0_deutsch_lfg_01.pdf | July 4, 2011 03:27:29 AM UTC | Dies ist die alte deutsche Version als PDF. | OOME_3_0_deutsch_lfg_01.odf | July 4, 2011 03:27:18 AM UTC | Dies ist die alte deutsche Version als ODT. |
Database Macros | Most of my database related content is on the database page. | |
English Macro Document | June 13, 2015 03:19:53 AM UTC | This is my main macro document that contains numerous examples and explanatory text. |
PDF English Macro Document | June 13, 2015 03:20:12 AM UTC | This is my main macro document that contains numerous examples and explanatory text. |
Incomplete comments on VBA | July 30, 2007 09:36:59 PM UTC | Some years ago, I compared VBA and OOo Basic based on the language syntax. I never finished. |
PDF Incomplete comments on VBA | July 30, 2007 09:37:07 PM UTC | Some years ago, I compared VBA and OOo Basic based on the language syntax. I never finished. |
My Macro Libraries | June 7, 2014 04:28:36 AM UTC | A collection of my personal macro libraries. Assume that these are not tested and will destroy everything on your system. My most used macros are the Inspect() macro in the Pitonyak lib, and the macro formatting macro. |
Font Document | July 18, 2013 01:14:29 AM UTC | Demonstrates how to inspect fonts using macros. You can create font summaries and font lists. |
PDF Font Document | July 18, 2013 01:14:31 AM UTC | A PDF version of AndrewFontMacro.odt. Obviously, the PDF version does not contain push buttons that can automatically run the macros. |
Dialog Examples | July 16, 2003 10:52:09 PM UTC | My macro document contains a section on forms. I show how to use most of the control objects. This document is the dialog example mentioned in my macro document. This will show all of the methods, properties, or services of a given object. |
Document Template | June 7, 2014 04:04:10 AM UTC | This is the template that I use in my macro document. Although you do not need this template, I have received numerous requests for this document. If you do not have this template on your system when you open the document, OpenOffice will ask if it should look for the template the next time that the document is open. If I change the template, the changes will be reflected in the macro document. If you do not understand how this powerful feature works in OpenOffice, you should learn all about it. |
Deutsche Übersetzung Makro-Dokument | June 30, 2003 01:54:31 AM UTC | Dieses ist eine deutsche Übersetzung meines Makrodokumentes. Die Übersetzung erfolgte durch Muttersprachler. Mein Hauptdokument enthält mehr Informationen als die deutsche Version, weil es neuer ist. |
Traduction Française | Voici la traduction française de mon document, effectuée par le projet Documentation de la branche française d'OpenOffice sous le nom de "Eléments de programmation des macros dans OOo". Mon document original contient plus d'informations car mis à jour depuis la dernière traduction. Ce lien vous mènera directement sur la page Web contenant cette traduction.This link will take you to a French web site that contains a French translation of my document. | |
Russian translation of AndrewMacro.odt. | October 14, 2007 06:20:34 PM UTC | Russian русский (Russian translation) Макросы OpenOffice, first draft. See |
I used the explanations provided to me by the authors.
Document | Updated | Description |
Form Utilities | October 10, 2010 08:53:51 PM UTC | Allows you to use the enter key to move through a form rather than using the TAB key. |
Data Input | October 10, 2010 08:53:51 PM UTC | Gotes to only white (1677215) cells in a range (instead of the default -1). Great way to use the sheet as an input form. |
Time Functions | October 10, 2010 08:53:53 PM UTC | Custom function to determine elapsed time in hours for payroll and similar. Uses a period instead of the colon so that time can be entered without using the shift key. |
Cash Register | October 10, 2010 08:53:52 PM UTC | A cash register that the author of this macro used with his Address Barcode reader. |
Here are some links and references:
Document | Description |
ooRexx Nutshells | Diploma work by Josef Frysak, under the watchful eye of Rony G. Flatscher, titled "Automating Open Office - ooRexx Nutshells". If you want to know how to use ooRex to access OOo, this has numerous excellent examples. The document also contains significant background material that is useful, even if you are not using Rex. |
Using Visual Basic | A quick quide to using VB to access OpenOffice. |
Main OpenOffice Site | Primary OpenOffice website, complete mailing lists and downloads |
OpenOffice API Site | This site takes some getting used to but it is very complete |
Sun had a macro programming book. | An excellent book. This is probably the place to start for free materials. A warning, however, this contains the same errors as the included help documentation. One problem that I noticed after quickly skimming the book is the problems with the case statements are still there. That said, someone spent a lot of time and did a pretty good job. |
tutorial.pdf | Excellent document on using macros. |
DevelopersGuide | This has information about the developers guide including how to download it as a pdf file. Although this document can be difficult and daunting, it is an excellent resource. |
OpenOffice Documentation Site | A good place to start when looking for documentation |
How_to_use_basic_macros.sxw | If you want to embed macros in your document and interact with buttons and such, this is your document |
LibreOffice API Documentation | Learn about the LibreOffice SDK, Development Tools, and much more. |
AOO UNO Development Kit | Learn all about the Uno Development Kit | | One of the top level module links. A good place to start if you want to traverse the infrastructure. |
Developer Guide Examples | When a smart man decides that the JAVA examples in the developers guide should be available in Basic, this is what you get! |
8 Days A Week | Can't download a copy of, you can order a copy here. They have other OOo related things as well. |